traitement de l'impuissance,troubles erection/natural treatment of impotence and erection disorders

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This item offers the Same Clinically Proven Galvanic Therapy as The Blakoe but also offers
The Highest Quality Materials in a Very Comfortable, Light-Weight (1/2 ounce),
Easily Re-Sizable and Flexible Design Innovation which offers 5x more active surface then the clinically proven Blakoe.


There are many reasons for declining sperm count. Decreased Levels of Testosterone and Impaired Circulation to the Genitals are some of the most common. Similar items which Naturally Increase the production of more stronger and vigorous sperms of excellent quality and mobility have been sold under different names (The Blakoe, The Energiser) over the last 50+ years. This type of natural device has been promoted by Dr. Blakoe since the early 1950's and it has many clinically proven, remarkable, natural benefits for men.
Some of which are:
Increased Sperm Production.
Increased Blood Circulation to the Genitals and Prostate.
Improved Genital and Prostate Health and Function.
Increased Testosterone and Hormone Production.
More frequent and Stronger Erections.
Increased Sex Drive.
Improved Sexual Stamina.
Increased Vitality.
Improved Overall Bodily Health.
Improved Erectile Dysfunction.

FACT: In the early 1970's doctors conducted the first full-scale medical trials of Galvanic Therapy. Their published findings proved that it not only works, but that it works well.

How It Works:
The Galvanic Ring is worn on the groin next to the skin. It is in fact a natural battery. It has four electro-dynamic Zinc and Copper Rods which produce a perpetual flow of electrical energy (up to 1.284 volt) when in contact with the natural moisture of the skin. This small amount of electrical energy painlessly stimulates increased blood circulation and trans-dermal absorption of the Zinc directly to the genitals improving their health and natural functions.

Why Zinc?
Zinc is essential to every tissue of the male body, but particularly for the reproductive system.
Scientific research has found that Zinc increases sperm counts and improves fertility. A lack of Zinc is a known cause of impotence. The testes and prostate need particularly high concentrations of Zinc to function properly. Adequate Zinc levels are also essential to maintain both testosterone levels in the blood and reproductive health. In men over 40, testosterone deficiency is very common. In a study of men given Zinc for three to six months, their serum testosterone levels increased by an average of 92.8 percent.

Is it safe?
Yes. Similar items have been used with success by thousands of men all over the world for 50+ years, and is totally safe to use.
It is completely Natural, Non-Invasive, and Drug Free unlike many other options available.

Is it comfortable to wear?
Yes. It is easily resized and after a very short time of wear, you will forget you have it on. It is light-weight (1/2 ounce) and flexible. The Galvanic current is unnoticeable and it is undetectable under clothing.

Should I use it at all times?
It should be used as often as possible, especially while sleeping until you acheive the results you want.

Can I use it along with my doctors recommendations?
Yes. Combining your doctors treatments with a (GR) is in no way detrimental and both are synergistic.

**Due to the nature of this item, we do not except returns.
**There is information on the internet about Dr. Blakoe and the many benefits of Galvanic Therapy, I encourage you to do some research into this type of natural therapy.
** Each man is unique, so the results of a (GR) will also be unique to each man.

These are just some of the reported positive benefits of increased genital circulation:
- more frequent and firmer erections
- shorter recovery time between erections
- increased testicle size and health
- larger flaccid and erect penis
- increased ejaculation amounts
- increased natural testosterone production
- improved fertility (sperm count)

These are just a few of the many reported benefits of increased testosterone levels:
- increased sex drive
- better results from exercise
- decreased body fat
- increased stamina




Joined: 04 Aug 2003 Posts: 6546 Location: UK

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 5:44 pm Post subject: The Ball Zinger/Blakoe Ring (Article)



The Ball Zinger/Blakoe Ring

After you have read this you might be quite sceptical so please do not criticise. Try it out for yourself first.

What is a ‘Ball Zinger’?

A Ball Zinger is one of the many names for this device. It consists of a piece of copper tubing, a zinc corrosion-inhibitor rod and some latex hosing.

What is a ‘Blakoe Ring’?

A Blakoe Ring is another name for this device. However, the Blakoe Ring is the original concept of the Ball Zinger idea and costing $150 plus shipping it comes in at a rather steep price I am sure you will agree. The Blakoe Ring also consists of plastic tubing which is not only uncomfortable to wear, but will often come loose and fall off.

The Blakoe Ring was first developed before the Second World War by a Dr Robert Blakoe (Hence where the name comes from). With such a high price to pay for an uncomfortable device with merely half the benefits of a Ball Zinger, it’s no wonder people looked for an alternative!

Then came the Ball Zinger! The Ball Zinger is based on the same principle as the Blakoe Ring, the only difference being that the Ball Zinger will give you much, much greater effects, is a lot more comfortable to wear (You will forget you are even wearing it half the time!), it won’t easily fall off, is a lot more flexible and adjustable and costs less than a fifth of the Blakoe Ring’s price!

How is the Ball Zinger made?

The Ball Zinger is made from a very pure piece of zinc corrosion­inhibitor rod, copper tubing and some latex hosing. The zinc inhibitor rod and copper tubing are cut to a length of 2”. The

 (1 sur 3) [2007-12-07 05:09:40]

 - The Ball Zinger/Blakoe Ring (Article)

hosing is then pushed over about ¼” - ½” of the ends of the zinc and copper.

How and when do I wear the Ball Zinger?

The Ball Zinger is very comfortable to wear. You wear it around your testicles and penis. You can wear it around just your testicles or just your penis, but for maximum effect around the whole of your package is recommend. You can wear the Ball Zinger whenever and wherever you like. You can wear it 24/7, when you are sleeping or during the day, when you are working out or when you are out shopping!

Now with that out of the way, let’s move onto what really matters!

About the Ball Zinger

The Ball Zinger produces a constant small electrical flow of energy by using natural moisture produced by the skins pours without the need for batteries. Electricity is commonly used in medicine in some form or another all over the World with great benefits and best of all it stimulates blood flow. There are many great benefits in wearing a Ball Zinger, to name a few – It will increase your testosterone, increase the size of your testicles, make you produce more sperm, increase your fertility rate, increase your libido (Sexual desire), increase the size of your flaccid hang, give you rock hard erections and more. It is the best natural alternative to any supplement or pill that is out there and will give you x100 greater the effects, all for just a small price too.

The benefits of wearing a Ball Zinger

Wearing a Ball Zinger will greatly increase your testosterone levels along with many other things. If you currently work out, this device will help you to get bigger and more ripped than you have ever been. Your moods will also be a lot better; you will feel a lot happier throughout the day and have a better general

CNW Group | LARKHALL LABORATORIES | Tout homme peut maintenant améliorer sa performance, peu importe son style sexuel

A l'attention du directeur de l'information:

Tout homme peut maintenant améliorer sa performance, peu importe son

style sexuel

Le dispositif Blakoe Ring (Mark III)(MC) permet d'obtenir une érection

complète, sans crainte des effets secondaires

LONDRES, Royaume-Uni, le 24 oct. /CNW/ - Selon une nouvelle étude publiée

dans International Journal of Impotence Research(1), les hommes se rangent

dans l'une des catégories suivantes : avides de sensations, sensuels, anxieux,

confiants ou abstinents. Même si ces "catégories" donnent un aperçu des

différents styles de la performance sexuelle masculine, elles ne révèlent pas

les qualités, avantages ou même déceptions relatifs à chacun. Une chose est

sûre, peu importe leur style, la majorité des hommes seraient heureux d'avoir

la chance d'améliorer leur performance sexuelle. Pour beaucoup d'entre eux,

une solution existe.

La plupart des hommes qui ont généralement une vie sexuelle saine ont

parfois l'impression que leur performance est en deçà de leurs attentes.

Cependant, on estime que 152 millions d'hommes dans le monde souffrent de

dysfonction érectile, ce qui peut avoir de graves répercussions sur les

relations et provoquer la séparation d'un couple sur cinq qui vivent avec ce


Une étude pilote mondiale(3) montre que le dispositif Blakoe Ring (Mark

III)(MC) obtient un taux de succès de 90 % pour le traitement de la

dysfonction érectile. Porté régulièrement, mais retiré avant le rapport

sexuel, l'anneau Blakoe Ring envoie un courant électromagnétique régulier qui

n'est pas ressenti pas son utilisateur et qui l'aide à obtenir une érection

complète dès l'éveil sexuel. Son effet dure plusieurs heures après son


L'anneau Blakoe permet d'améliorer la performance sexuelle, sans crainte

des effets secondaires.

"L'anneau Blakoe est fantastique! Il est confortable et il fonctionne

vraiment. Je lui donne une note parfaite! Il permet d'être prêt sur-le-champ",

explique un utilisateur américain satisfait.

Pour tout complément d'information sur l'anneau Blakoe Ring

(MarkIII)(MC), vendu par correspondance au prix de 69,99 livres sterling,

veuillez consulter le site Web


(1) International Journal of Impotence Research, 23 août 2007

(2) Sexual Dysfunction Association,

(3) (1 sur 2) [2007-12-10 10:45:35]

CNW Group | LARKHALL LABORATORIES | Tout homme peut maintenant améliorer sa performance, peu importe son style sexuel

Renseignements: Ash Healthcare,




outlook on life. You can also wear it during your PE workouts for constant better blood flow and great erections.

#Increased size in flaccid penis #Better and increased blood flow to your genital area #Faster healing from PE #Longer lasting harder erections #Increased sexual drive #Cure impotence #Stronger ejaculations and orgasms #Increased sperm production #Increased overall strength in your muscles #A natural way for tons of benefits without taking any drugs or pills #Improved outlook on life, better moods and improved confidence








Répertoire d'Achats des

Marchés Publics du


Une étude pilote démontre l'efficacité à 90 % d'un dispositif sans

médicaments pour le traitement du dysfonctionnement érectile

Oxford, Angleterre, le 15 déc. 2005 - Une étude pilote menée à l'échelle

mondiale(1) a démontré l'efficacité à 90 % du dispositif Blakoe Ring (MarkIII)

(MC) pour le traitement des hommes souffrant de dysfonctionnement érectile.

Portée régulièrement, mais retirée avant un rapport sexuel prévu, l'anneau

Blakoe utilise un courant électromagnétique constant qui n'est pas ressenti par

celui qui le porte et qui l'aide à obtenir une érection complète dès l'éveil sexuel.

Cet effet dure plusieurs heures après le retrait du dispositif.

On estime que 152 millions d'hommes dans le monde souffrent de

dysfonctionnement érectile, ce peut avoir des conséquences considérables sur

les relations et entraîner la séparation de jusqu'à un couple touché sur cinq(2).

Cette condition est constatée chez les hommes de tous âges et peut être due à

une cause inexpliquée ou à l'hypertension artérielle, au diabète et à la

dépression ou encore, dans certains cas, à l'abus d'alcool ou de tabac.

Bien qu'il ne remplace pas le traitement à l'aide de médicaments, l'anneau

Blakoe peut servir de complément aux médicaments contre le

dysfonctionnement, sans provoquer la peur associée aux effets indésirables.

Un utilisateur britannique a écrit ce qui suit : "Après seulement deux semaines

d'utilisation, j'ai obtenu des résultats exceptionnels. C'est comme un nouveau

monde pour moi maintenant, car j'ai été impuissant pendant près de vingt ans et

j'avais presque perdu espoir d'en être un jour guéri."

"L'anneau Blakoe est fantastique! Je le trouve confortable à porter et il

fonctionne vraiment. Je lui donne une note parfaite! Il rend quiconque prêt sur-lechamp",

a commenté un utilisateur américain satisfait.

Pour obtenir plus de renseignements au sujet de l'étude pilote et du dispositif

Blakoe Ring (MarkIII)(MC), qui est vendu au prix de 69,99 livres sterling et qui

peut être commandé par la poste, veuillez consulter le site Web www.blakoe.



This is a commercially available device that has been around for several decades. There is a lot of similarity between the ROP and the Blakoe Ring. The benefits over the Blakoe Ring is that the ROP is a lot cheaper to get your hands on one and the ROP can be easily resized/ adjusted for the users maximum comfort. The Ring is worn on the groin, close to the body and is unnoticeable.

The ROP is a simple device. It is physically comprised of

                   zinc (higher quality the better)

                   copper rod

                   polycarbonate tubing


The main problem being zinc material is extremely hard to find. And getting the materials to produce a steady voltage and reaction. The Copper and Zinc, both need to be the same dimensions and of food grade quality.



Why use Zinc and Copper?

Zinc is at -0,763 Volt, copper at +0,521 Volt. The difference between this two values is the

theoretical voltage of this galvanic element using this two metals (1,284 Volt); in the case of the Ball Zinger, the values are lower, because the skin moisture is a poor acid compared to a real acid. Our Ring produces 1.25 volts of measurable voltage. You can actually measure it with a multimeter while wearing it!


Electricity to my groin?

Never fear, you do not feel it. It is such a small volt that there is no constant sensation to you, although some have reported being able to feel something slight when carrying a full bladder or if the area is moister than usual (eg after a shower). There have been no reports of people being shocked or being put in any pain. Generally 99% of the time you feel absolutely nothing.




 If you want to boost your testosteronelevels through the roof AND increase Leanmuscle mass,lose weight and not tomention your take your sex drive and libidoto the outer limits...without the use of illegal and dangerous steroids...

Please Read





This device has gone by many names, includingThe Blakoe Ring, the Ball Zinger and the ROP(Ring of Power). We are the manufactureof this device and can tell you that thisreally works!

Why take chances with illegal steroids andcontinuously risk getting caught or tested?Get amazing results by kicking your ownTestosterone into High Gear!! Countlesssteroid users have switched to wearingthe Testo Max Ring as a viable alternative tosteroids. Users have also reported resultsbetter than Viagra!

If you're even thinking about using steroids,you owe it to yourself, and your health andsafety, to try the... Ring!


First 2-4 Weeks:


                     Increased aggression


                     Increased sex drive

                     Oily skinAfter 2-4 Weeks:

                     Increased muscle mass

                     Decreased body fat

                     Increased confidence


) [2007-12-10 11:07:45]



sixième article



(Product Insert)

printer friendly




Here is your new Ring of Power (RoP).

Before using your RoP for the first time, there are some things/pointers you should become familiar with.

 We have provided you with a longer piece of latex tubing for proper sizing. Sizing is very important. Read this carefully, then trim the latex tubing for your size.

How tight should I wear it?

There are 2 considerations here. The first is that you want your RoP to stay on as much as possible, or indeed, always. The amount of tubing between the rods is key. You want it so the RoP is "snug" but not tight. The RoP does not work "better" when tight so don’t make this common and aggravating mistake. Generally if you can easily get a finger under the latex at all points of contact, then you are good. If you have too little tubing you will know it when your balls retract and you will clearly physically feel your balls going through the RoP, like an elephant through the eye of the needle! It’s not painful but you will moan!

The second thing to consider is how much tubing to put over the ends of the rods to firmly hold them. You do want as much of the rods exposed as possible, but a RoP coming loose constantly is no use to anyone! If the tubing keeps slipping off the rods you need to put more tubing over the rod ends. You will find you need to change the tubing every once in a while as the rubber will become less tight and grip less. Finally, lightly scraping/scoring the rod ends may help increase the tubing’s grip. The tubing coming off is an unusual and frightening sensation in your groin and is best avoided, though it’s never been painful for me.

Time and practice will get your RoP fitting well. Be sure to get extra tubing though for the learning curve. ** Shipped with 1 longer tube for proper sizing with your ROP**

Using superglue etc to keep the tubing on is not recommended. There is no need for this and it may affect results. Persevere and learn and you should not need anything extra in the RoP equation to keep it on.

What’s it like to wear?

Once you have a little experience you will become skilled at judging the amount of tubing needed, affecting the tightness. When you have this right, the RoP is effectively invisible to your sense of touch. Most people after a few weeks will not be able to tell they are wearing it, while some people have reported this from the start. Adjustments and time seem to be the equalizer though. In reality, problems are more likely to occur as you become too

 (1 sur 3) [2007-12-10 10:59:03]

relaxed about wearing it, for example taking communal showers wearing it or

accidentally letting a partner see you wearing it.

Anywhere I can’t wear this?

No. People wear them while swimming, working out running etc. But many others find they can’t as the balls retract too much, causing it too fall off. And many people wear their RoP in work. If the RoP coming off is an issue, tie a loop of string around your waist and thread it through the RoP. Should it come off the string will stop the RoP from going anywhere that’s awkward/too public.

What if I experience irritation?

Basic agreed common approaches here would include; Switching where the rods sit, whether permanently or between night and day, Resting up by not wearing the RoP until the skin has completely healed, Wear the RoP less eg not at night, Use any helpful lotion on the affected area (keep the RoP clear of lotions). The impression I get is that most people do not experience these issues though.

How do I clean my RoP?

Simply use plain steel wool and water. You're going to be cleaning off the oxidization, so avoid adding things like toothpaste or soap. Almost any local store will sell steel wool. If you don’t notice oxidation, do not use steel wool.

For an optional basic daily quick clean, give it a wash while you are in the shower or while washing your hands with whatever you would normally use for these tasks. This is the recommended method of cleaning.

How long do the effects last?

Current evidence is indicating that even if you take your RoP off for an extended period (months) your testosterone levels will remain at their improved higher levels. This may or may not be something you would want. At least one MoS (Matters of user was concerned high testosterone levels would make it look like he was on steroids which could get him kicked out of his sporting career!

The most beneficial results are obtained when the RoP is worn over the Penis and Balls (against the body). However, many users have reported surprising results in sperm production and libido when wearing the RoP over the balls only. Basically the copper and zinc rods need to come into contact with the skin. Shaving the area is highly recommended and prevents any hair pulling, and ease of removing and cleaning the RoP.


If your curious about the voltage and want to test it.. use a multi-meter (digital is most accurate). Set the meter on 200 volts. Touch the positive lead to the copper tube and the negative lead (com) to the zinc tube. If the skin is very dry, you will not get a reading. The measurement can be taken after wearing for several hours. Or if your impatient, a little saliva can be wiped on copper and zinc tubes (the side touching skin). Voila! Voltage! (Note: this will only work when worn on the body).

r 3) [

septième article

CNW Group | LARKHALL LABORATORIES | Tout homme peut maintenant améliorer sa performance, peu importe son style sexuel

A l'attention du directeur de l'information:

Tout homme peut maintenant améliorer sa performance, peu importe son

style sexuel

Le dispositif Blakoe Ring (Mark III)(MC) permet d'obtenir une érection

complète, sans crainte des effets secondaires

LONDRES, Royaume-Uni, le 24 oct. /CNW/ - Selon une nouvelle étude publiée

dans International Journal of Impotence Research(1), les hommes se rangent

dans l'une des catégories suivantes : avides de sensations, sensuels, anxieux,

confiants ou abstinents. Même si ces "catégories" donnent un aperçu des

différents styles de la performance sexuelle masculine, elles ne révèlent pas

les qualités, avantages ou même déceptions relatifs à chacun. Une chose est

sûre, peu importe leur style, la majorité des hommes seraient heureux d'avoir

la chance d'améliorer leur performance sexuelle. Pour beaucoup d'entre eux,

une solution existe.

La plupart des hommes qui ont généralement une vie sexuelle saine ont

parfois l'impression que leur performance est en deçà de leurs attentes.

Cependant, on estime que 152 millions d'hommes dans le monde souffrent de

dysfonction érectile, ce qui peut avoir de graves répercussions sur les

relations et provoquer la séparation d'un couple sur cinq qui vivent avec ce


Une étude pilote mondiale(3) montre que le dispositif Blakoe Ring (Mark

III)(MC) obtient un taux de succès de 90 % pour le traitement de la

dysfonction érectile. Porté régulièrement, mais retiré avant le rapport

sexuel, l'anneau Blakoe Ring envoie un courant électromagnétique régulier qui

n'est pas ressenti pas son utilisateur et qui l'aide à obtenir une érection

complète dès l'éveil sexuel. Son effet dure plusieurs heures après son


L'anneau Blakoe permet d'améliorer la performance sexuelle, sans crainte

des effets secondaires.

"L'anneau Blakoe est fantastique! Il est confortable et il fonctionne

vraiment. Je lui donne une note parfaite! Il permet d'être prêt sur-le-champ",

explique un utilisateur américain satisfait.

Pour tout complément d'information sur l'anneau Blakoe Ring

(MarkIII)(MC), vendu par correspondance au prix de 69,99 livres sterling,

veuillez consulter le site Web


(1) International Journal of Impotence Research, 23 août 2007

(2) Sexual Dysfunction Association,

(3) (1 sur 2) [2007-12-10 10:45:35]

CNW Group | LARKHALL LABORATORIES | Tout homme peut maintenant améliorer sa performance, peu importe son style sexuel

Renseignements: Ash Healthcare,






